Friday, September 19, 2008

The Times: Take Five

In its five pieces of advice for the week, The Times advises: "... Be realistic: A new book based on interviews with 150 CEOs – The Secrets of CEOs (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, £18) – makes fascinating reading. The overwhelming message is that being the boss is tough. It’s lonely, your personal life suffers and the international travel becomes a chore.Mervyn Davies, chairman and former chief executive of Standard Chartered, said: “If you’re a bad traveller and run an international business, it’s a nightmare. You’re not sleeping and you’re coming home wrecked. It’s a job, for Christ’s sake. When they put you in your box and it is over, you’re not going to be judged on how much profit you made.” “I can’t remember my boys growing up,” another said. "

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